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To clarify who GMLP, Inc. is and its operational philosophy:

We are a small 501(c)3 nonprofit incorporation established in the US. Initially, we spent significant time developing personal relationships with a number of charities in both the US, the UK, and elsewhere sharing the message of giving back of the Artist/Philanthropist George Michael.

Our belief is that need is universal; it recognizes no single country or continental borders. So we will offer help where we can be of assistance. We decided to primarily focus upon causes with the greatest need and then selected small charities that can use extra hands with creating unique projects to help them raise funds and broaden their donor base.

GMLP Mission

To create a global awareness of what charitable means, i.e., not limited to financial donations. Through social media campaigns, uniquely designed projects and events, we will expand the demographics for giving, volunteering and building a committed global connection.  We believe in integrity, compassion, and giving of self.

GMLP Vision 

We want to continue and expand upon the charitable work George was so passionate about for those causes and charities that may not always be featured among the large news stories and donors. We will begin with selected causes including child well-being, awareness to mental illness efforts to eliminate stigma, and animal wellness.


Sallyann Saull

Co founder


Kelly Lauer

Co founder


Jo Becker

Co founder


Ann Shaw

Co founder

About Us
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